After a blissful childhood in Tottenham Brighton, the photographer from Brighton determined to prove that gentrification isn't as bad as it appears to be. The social and physical landscape of cities across the United Kingdom is changing at a rapid speed. The staggering rise in rents as well as the constant construction of apartments that are not affordable and reductions in ...

The photographer traveled across Belews Creek in North Carolina to illustrate the ways that pollution industries were affecting small towns across southern America. The resulting book is poetic and subtle, but also disturbing. Will Warasila's More Quick then Coal Ash can be described as a book of photos with many layers. On the first look, it may be a simple record of a tiny ...

In the course of one Series winner along with two runners-up, as well as 20 single Image winners The British Journal of Photography panel emphasizes "the importance" given by the winners of this year's contest. This year this year, the BJP International Photography Award was been judged by an jury composed of curator and writer David Campany, Fotografiska New York's ...

Based in Los Angeles, Idan Barazani, a Los Angeles-based photographer who is in total control of his art. Uncanny and occasionally bizarre The Jerusalem-born photographer has an extensive portfolio of mysterious. "I'm always experimenting with new methods and challenging the limits of what's possible" Idan tells us. After establishing his foot in the highly competitive field of film and photography from a young ...

In response to the impact of Covid, the Church Bingo series advocates for the revival of community events to provide a recreational and social outlet for those in need. Photographer Angela Christofilou captures the essence of bingo enthusiasts who once gathered at a Lancashire church, portraying the unique world of this longstanding pastime. The series not only showcases the charm ...

From tooth-colored gems to flat caps, take a look at the fashion of London's car boot sales community. It's the little particulars of people's individual style that always captivated Photographer Arthur Comley. The sparkles that are on their teeth the way they've styled their jeans or how they've put on their trainers. Arthur is drawn to these distinctive signs of fashion, and ...

The China-born, London-based photographer showcases her unique talents in the villages at high altitudes of Tibet showing the authentic everyday life of the Tibetans she is familiar with. It's not uncommon to look at the world of Tibet through the lens of a Western perspective that it is difficult to find artful depictions of the area created by artists who ...

It was during the height of the epidemic the photographer Adam Whyte decided to move back in New York. Prior to the move, they briefly moved from Los Angeles, taking "respite from the bustle and craziness in New York" and spending the majority of their time in National parks and the wilderness of The West Coast. When they returned to home, Adam ...