Based in Los Angeles, Idan Barazani, a Los Angeles-based photographer who is in total control of his art. Uncanny and occasionally bizarre The Jerusalem-born photographer has an extensive portfolio of mysterious. “I’m always experimenting with new methods and challenging the limits of what’s possible” Idan tells us. After establishing his foot in the highly competitive field of film and photography from a young stage, Idan has built up a prestigious client base throughout his time working in New York, taking on numerous projects that have enabled him to experiment with various aspects of his work.
In general Idan’s work is in the direction of “Japanese animation as well as the classic American as well as European cinema from the 1980s and 90s” Idan says. Through all of the work he does, Idan is looking for ways to create a distinctive striking, eye-catching image that can make a statement and stand out from the rest. With his signature fish eye and distorting angle, Idan says he’s “developed the ability to create a dramatic exaggerated effect in any circumstance”.
As Idan himself says, “music is [his] the primary influence on his creativity”. He gets inspiration from a diverse spectrum of musical genres and frequently associates every image that he creates with a particular music. It’s why his photos are so absorbing Each one is carefully designed to be as empathetic as it is thrilling.
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