Sony has shown its A7 series cameras with full frame and lenses plenty of affection recently, but the company has released new lenses that are designed to be used on its APS-C body models such as the ZV-E10 and the A6600. The announcement consists of three new wide-angle lens options, all of them are extremely compact and lightweight. These lenses, E 15mm ...

POint-and shoot cameras might be less popular these days, largely due to smartphones, however there are still plenty of reasons to consider investing in these camera phones that are pocket-sized. In the first place although smartphones are now quite stunning however, the sensors of compact cameras aren't as big. They also provide more in addition. In addition, it's sometimes nice to put the ...

Video is undoubtedly among the top influential media formats of the moment, with virtually every content creator photographer, influencer or artist making their own videos. It's a good thing that with the rise of video being increasingly popular on social media cameras have become smaller and lighter as well as more rich in features, with the average quality currently hovering around ...

Sensor size doesn't mean everything, however, a bit of extra silicon real estate definitely will help in terms of image quality or the depth of field. This is why full-frame cameras are extremely popular among photographers and video-makers. The term "full-frame" signifies cameras with sensors that are exactly the same dimensions as a single image that was taken with 35mm film. It's about 36mm ...

In the years prior to 2020, users weren't concerned about finding the top webcams. Most people used services such as Zoom, Google Meet, and Skype very rarely and webcams built into the system generally were sufficient. This is why in the beginning of 2020, the majority webcams produced acceptable audio and video with very limited capabilities. Since then, computer cameras have become an ...